Control de Absentismos



One of the processes whose management is more complicated for SMEs, HHRR department or Teamwork supervisors is employees’ absences and its following effects that they carry on the enterprise activity.

How are absenteeisms managed in aTurnos?

In aTurnos we have a series of functions that will facilitate absenteeisms control and management in teamwork planning:

  1. Define absences types:
    • Justified absenteeisms: if afterwards, subsequent to that absence, the employee doesn’t have to recover hours I.e: A medical appointment.
    • Non-justified absenteeisms: if afterwards, subsequent to that absence, the employee has to recover hours I.e: an employee has to attend quick, and punctually to a family member and has to leave for 3h. (that 3h will be recovered later).

    Furthermore, when creating a type of absenteeism they differ in:

    • Totals: The absence affects to a scheduled shift total.
    • Temporary: the absence affects partially to a shift previously scheduled,in this case, they will be applied to hours.
    • Both: if the absence can affect to the shift’s total or it only affects it partially.
  2. Requests and access permissions:
  3. By creating the absence you can define to which role minimum (User Roles) will apply that type of absence. Furthermore, you can choose if you want that type of absence to be requested by the team’s employees (Watch requests and process of requests and changes). There are also absences that can be uploaded directly from the HHRR software, and later it will be inserted in aTurnos. Example: IT (before, you must request it formally to the HHRR department. In a nutshell, those absences with legal nature).

  4. Restrictions in the base application of absenteeisms:
  5. ` Once the absence is created, you can define which type of restrictions apply on it for obtaining a best management of the daily planning. Example: Not exceeding the total of times a type of absence happened per year (these restrictions can be applied individually, on a specific employee

  6. Absences application:
    • Apply a type of absence in specific days: You can select a determined type of absence selecting in which day you want it to be applied (you have to indicate only a day).
    • Apply one type of absence in more than a day: You can select in which period (2 or more days) you want to apply the selected absence.
    • Apply absences through requests: Employees, through Requests and changes, can ask for a specific type of absence (if they have the permission to do it), and then, the administrator can approve or deny it. If it is approved, it is applied directly in the schedule.
    • Apply absenteeisms through time control adjustments: It allows that gaps produced between the time scheduled and real time worked can be adjusted with a type of absence.
    • Apply absences from a file import or implementation: Allows export through an Excel file through an external software and integration in aTurnos through our API, those absences or absence periods.
  7. Check statistic reports and absenteeism restrictions
  8. Inside the function to control absenteeisms, aTurnos provides a statistic section where all data about absenteeisms are gathered (see Statistics). Apart from statistics, by checking restrictions you can ensure that you are doing a correct and efficient absences management, and checking that you are not overpassing limits regarding types of absenteeism applied in the schedule(See restriction checks).

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